The main purpose of this database of Greenlandic stories is to make the searching in written down oral stories easier. The approximately 2280 stories in the base I consider to represent their time in the different regions of Greenland, and it is my intention that the database will be extended with further collections by the help of the users. All stories, that are already translated into Danish, are only added as summaries and can not be used as source; you have to find the original source - preferably the original source in Greenlandic if it still exists.
The majority of the other stories, that means the handwritten and the few printed in Greenlandic, are translated into Danish. Senior lecturer Christian Berthelsen has translated most of the stories as well as Apollo Lynge, Grethe Lindenhann and Signe Åsblom have translated stories.
You will find missing parts of text in the translations. This is due to either unreadable handwriting, strange dialects or if the storyteller (which in some cases is the same person who has written down the story) did not grasp the whole story from beginning to end. In such cases you have to return to the original source, often the handwritten version, if you know how to read the Greenlandic language. If this is not the case, please note this insecurity in your text.
Birgitte Sonne
Magie maléfique / Skadevoldende magi / hekseri
Dokument id: | 36 |
Registreringsår: | 1937 |
Publikationsår: | 1993 |
Arkiv navn: | |
Fortæller: | Ediarseri |
Nedskriver: | Victor, Paul-Émile |
Mellem-person: | |
Indsamler: | |
Titel: | Magie maléfique / Skadevoldende magi / hekseri |
Publikationstitel: | La civilisation du phoque, II |
Tidsskrift: | |
Omfang: | s. 95 |
Lokalisering: | Tiderida / Tiniteqilaaq: Tasiilaq / Ammassalik |
Note: | |
Hele værket: Victor, P.E. & J. Robert-Lamblin: La Civilisation du phoque, t.I:Jeux, gestes et techniques des Eskimo d'Ammassalik. A. Collin - R. Chabaud, 1989, 312 p.; t.II:Légendes, rites et croyances des Eskimo d'Ammassalik. R. Chabaud, Paris, 1993, 424p.
Resumé: Nujapik (Rotolupis far) og Maniguta / Maniikullak (Martis far) nærede had til Taginadigitsek og samarbejdede på at skade ham. De placerede sager fra stranden forskellige steder ved og i huset: blæren af et stykke blæretang under indgangsstenen, en sandorm i venstre, et søpindsvin midt for og en tangloppe i højre ende af muren bag briksen, og over indgangshullet en død grå stenpikker. Tag. putaditisa så han ikke kunne se sig selv. Victor måtte spørge flere gange om hvad det betød. Alle skraldgrinede, en af dem gav sig til at ryste hovdet voldsomt, men det blev Victors ven, Kristian, der måtte forklare ham, at den forheksede fik en umanerlig voldsom rejsning.
Hist.: Historisk fortælling, formentlig fra omkr. 1900. |
"Greenlandic Myths & Stories" is compiled by Birgitte Sonne, born. 4. Jan 1936, MA in sociology of religion, retired in 2006 from Eskimology and Arctic Studies, Dep. of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen. She still carries out research.
Contact: bbsonne81@.