Documentation and dissemination of the history of Denmark in Greenland and the Arctic

Are you considering giving material to Danish Arctic Institute

Generally speaking, all photographs, maps, diaries, letters and other documents relating to the Arctic are relevant. The material may relate to persons, expeditions, associations, institutions etc. The purpose is to collect, register, store and make available material that tells the history of countries and people.


Material given to Danish Arctic Institute must relate to Greenland, the rest of the Arctic or possibly Antarctica.

Time Period

At Danish Arctic Institute, the main emphasis is on material from before the Second World War, but material up to the present may also be of interest.

How to give material

The guidelines for submitting material to Danish Arctic Institute are simple:

  1. Call the institute and have a chat with either director Anne Mette Randrup Jørgensen on +45 32 31 50 50 or archive manager on +45 32 31 50 55

  2. All inquiries are taken seriously. If we find the material interesting, we subsequently offer a more thorough review of the material at the potential donor or at Danish Arctic Institute.

  3. Immediately after giving material to Danish Arctic Institute, the submitted material is carefully reviewed and registered.

  4. Any (personally) sensitive material can be subject to clauses by agreement.

  5. All donors receive written confirmation of what has been submitted, when it has been submitted and how it is registered in the databases.

What happens with the material

All types of material given to Danish Arctic Institute are carefully registered and archived according to principles that can be found in other large Danish archives.

  1. The material is registered and entered in the relevant databases.
  2. The material is repackaged and archived.
  3. Photographs are scanned in high resolution and presented on - any nitrate negatives are taken out and transferred to external, fireproof and climate-controlled basement boxes. In the future, we will do the same with color slides, as this ensures the best storage conditions.
  4. Documents are presented on our online document catalogue with detailed information.
  5. Art, objects, graphics and maps are continuously digitalized and made available at

Potential clauses are entered in the database (this is most often relevant for document material), after which use can only take place in accordance with the wishes of the giver.

Donors will have full access to the submitted material at all times.

Strandgade 102, 1. sal
DK-1401 København K

Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday 9am-2pm.

We recommend that you contact us and makes an appointment before visiting


Anne Mette Randrup Jørgensen, Ph.D., director

+45 32 31 50 50