About the Greenland Registry
Greenland Registry Light
The Greenland Registry Light is a search tool for actors involved in the 'Greenland Registry'-project. The search field enables users to search for archival material pertaining to Greenland in the Greenland Registry through the actor’s own website.
Contact Danish Arctic Institute to find out more.

Read more about the Greenland Registry (in Danish)
'Pamphlet on the Greenland Registry – Danish’. Please contact the Greenland Registry if you need a foldable version for printing.
'Pamphlet on the Greenland Registry – Kalaallisut’. Please contact the Greenland Registry if you need a foldable version for printing.
'Pamphlet on the Greenland Registry – English ’. Please contact the Greenland Registry if you need a foldable version for printing.
”Man kan jo altid tale om vejret – eller arkivalier”, Journal Greenland, no. 2, 2022. Published by the Greenlandic Society; editor Uffe Wilken.
”Kokken, som blev arkiv-haj”, AG - Atuagagdliutit, June 8th., 2022. Published by Mediahouse Sermitsiaq-AG; reporter Marianne Krogh Andersen.
”Grønlandsregistranten – Kalaallit Nunaat pillugu Ujarlerfik”, Magasine Journal, no. 1, 2021. Published by the Danish Local Historic Association, the Danish Archives Organisation, and the Association of Local History Archives; editor Johnny Wøllekær.
The language displayed in the contributors’ information is decided by the individual contributor. Most of the information is in Danish because the predominant part of the material is written in Danish. However, registries, or parts of registries, written in either Greenlandic or Faroese can be found.
Data responsibility
The contributor possessing the material and providing the information in the Greenland Registry is responsible for said information.
The Greenland Registry is in Danish, since most of the archival material is written in Danish. On occasion, news will be translated into Greenlandic, but for now the secretary is unfortunately not able to communicate in Greenlandic.
Questions concerning the Greenland Registry in general should be directed to [email protected]. Please feel free to reach out if relevant contributors are not mentioned in the database. Questions concerning specific information regarding collections or archival material should be directed directly at the relevant contributor.