Documentation and dissemination of the history of Denmark in Greenland and the Arctic

Danish Artic Institute is a small work place characterized by closeness, co-operation and many-sided responsibilities.

All employees are highly educated and have a relevant professional background, which is placed at the disposal of the users of the Institute and of its co-operators. In the everyday work, order and clearness of the collections are emphasized to the greatest extent possible and at a high level of service to the public.


Anne Mette Randrup Jørgensen, Ph.D., director: Phone: +45 32 31 50 50,

Anne Mette Randrup Jørgensen is the director of the Arctic Institute. She has worked with photos and films, archives, memory and cultural heritage since the 1990s, both practically and theoretically. She holds a master's degree in social anthropology from Aarhus University and in 2017 received her ph.d. from Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at the University of Copenhagen for her thesis 'Moving Archives' about Greenlandic archives and memories of industrialization. From 2005 to 2023, Anne Mette Randrup Jørgensen worked at the National Museum as museum inspector, project manager and researcher in Greenland, the Canadian Arctic, Scandinavia and West Africa. Anne Mette Randrup Jørgensen's CV and list of publications.

Lisbeth Valgreen, M.A., acting archive manager: Phone: +45 32 31 50 55,

Lisbeth Valgreen holds a MA in Greenlandic and Arctic Studies. She is acting archive manager, and responsible for the archives of the Danish Arctic Institute, except for the photo archives. She is also a consultant, author, and lecturer with a focus on language, history, and anthropology. She has, among other things, written many articles focusing on the Greenland/Denmark relationship.


Stig Søndergaard Rasmussen, M.A., photo manager

Stig Søndergaard Rasmussen has a BA in Greenlandic and Arctic Studies and a MA in History. Stig Søndergaard Rasmussen also does lectures for students and other groups visiting Danish Arctic Institute, focusing on the historical relation between Denmark and Greenland. He has written several articles focusing on historical photos for the publication Polarfronten, was a guide at the Danish National Museums Arctic Department and at Visit Carlsberg, and he has his own company, Nordoskop Formidling, offering guided tours in the old parts of Copenhagen.


Sebastian Lindholm Reiding, photo archivist: Phone: +45 32 31 50 51, 

Sebastian Lindholm Reiding has a BA in Greenlandic and Arctic Studies. Aside from managing the photo archive, Sebastian Lindholm Reiding is also in charge of the webpages and IT.


Tobias Wessing, student assistant

Tobias Wessing is doing his BA in Greenlandic and Arctic Studies. He is part of the photo archive.


Bent Nielsen, Ph.D., volunteer: Phone: +45 32 31 50 53, [email protected]

Bent Nielsen was the managing director of the Danish Arctic Institute from 2006 to 2023 and is now associated with the institute as a volunteer. In 2005, he acquired the Ph.D-degree based on a doctorate thesis on the conditions of the native people in North-Eastern Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and has lead several Danish Tjukotka Expeditions.


Elisabeth Sparst Kofoed, M.A., volunteer

Elisabeth Sparst Kofoed has previously been a map archivist at Danish Arctic Institute and is now associated with the institute as a volunteer.


Janni Andreassen, journalist



Jan Løve, cand. psych.



Gudrun Tølbøll, correspondent


Strandgade 102, 1. sal
DK-1401 København K

Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday 9am-2pm.

We recommend that you contact us and makes an appointment before visiting


Anne Mette Randrup Jørgensen, Ph.D., director

+45 32 31 50 50