Documentation and dissemination of the history of Denmark in Greenland and the Arctic

Expeditions with Greenland as a geographical target, but with widely different professional content and starting points in many different other countries, are gathered here in an overview. The following expeditions are mentioned in the overview:

Gain access to the overview of Greenland Expeditions by clicking here.

- expeditions with Greenland as a destination, including Iceland until the country's independence in 1944,

- expeditions under Danish management to other destinations in the Arctic,

- individual and very special Arctic expeditions outside Greenland and without Danish participation,

- expeditions carried out after the introduction of Greenland's Home Rule (1979) are not included.

Dog sledding on the Alabama Expedition, 1909-12.

Photographer: Ejnar Mikkelsen.

The overview has been prepared by Bent Nielsen in collaboration with Jan Løve.

For questions or comments on the overview, contact the Danish Arctic Institute on: 32 31 50 55 or [email protected]